The Raymond Nicolet Trust is holding an exhibition and sale of contemporary Serbian artists paintings at the Serbian Centre, 89, Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QQ from Sunday 20th June until Saturday 3rd July. The Centre will be open to the public on the 20th June and Saturday 3rd July only.
We will open the exhibition on Sunday 20th June at 11.45am.
Many thanks to the Serbian Centre for hosting the event.
The paintings on display have been donated by Mrs Ristic to the Trust in order to help raise the necessary funds to support education in Serbia. The Trust is very grateful for her immense kindness and generosity. With your help, it will help us reach our goal and change the lives of the children in Serbia.
All paintings available can be viewed online beforehand at:
They are all beautifully framed already.
If you are interested in any of them, please contact us at:; paintings can also be reserved in advance of the exhibition at the same Email address.
The paintings will be exchanged against a matching donation on our Crowdfunding page below:
Should you not be able to make it during the opening hours of the exhibition and would like to see the paintings, there will be someone on attendance on the Sunday 20th June from 11am as well as on Saturday 3rd of July from 11am. Outside these dates, a private visit can be organized depending on availability, contact us at the same email address for sorting out.
Фондација Раимонд Николет Труст одржаће изложбу и продају слика савремених српских уметника у Српском центру у Лондону од недеље 20. јуна до суботе 3. јула. Центар ће бити отворен за јавност само од 20. јуна до суботе 3. јула.Изложбу ћемо отворити у недељу 20. јуна у 11.45 сати са пићима и колачима.Велико хвала Српском центру као домаћину догађаја.
Изложене слике су од донатора госпође Ристић која их је поклонила Трусту како би помогла у прикупљању потребних средстава за подршку образовању у Србији. Труст јој је неизмерно захвалан на доброти и великодушности. Уз вашу помоћ, то ће нам помоћи да постигнемо наш циљ и променимо живот деце у Србији.
Све доступне слике могу се претходно погледати на мрежи на:
Све слике су урамљене.
Ако сте заинтересовани за било коју од њих, контактирајте нас на:
слике се могу резервисати и пре изложбе на истој адреси е-поште.
Слике ће бити размењене уз одговарајућу донацију на нашој страници за групно финансирање у наставку:
Ако не будете могли да присуствујете током радног времена изложбе, а желели бисте да погледате слике, биће неко присутан ко ће Вам помоћи и након радног времена у недељу 20. јуна од 11 сати као и у суботу 3. јула од 11 сати. Изван ових датума може се организовати и приватна посета у зависности од расположивости. Контактирајте нас на истој адреси е-поште ради сарадње.
Dusan RajsicBranko Dimitrijevic
Branko Dimitrijevic, City Rush, Oil on canvas, 25x35cm, £290
Branko Dimitrijevic, City Rush, Oil on canvas, 20x30cm, £260
Branko Dimitrijevic, Square, Oil on canvas, 60x45cm, £750
Branko Dimitrijevic, Belgrade Street, Oil on canvas, 60x45cm, £750
Dusan Djukaric, Nude, Watercolour, 30x20cm, £290
Dusan Djukaric, St Pauls Cathedral, Watercolour, 75x55cm, £950
Dragan Petrovic Pavle, A Bird, Oil on canvas, 42x42cm, £440
Dragan Petrovic Pavle, Lady with a Book, Oil on canvas, 70x60cm, £1150
Ivan Stojanovic, Tram, Oil on Canvas, 20x30cm, £210
Ivan Stojanovic, Winter, Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, £950
Ivan Stojanovic, Meadow, Oil on canvas, 50x80cm, £750
Natasa Kodela, Blue Lady, Oil on Canvas, 60x30cm, £580
Natasa Kodela, Silver, Oil on Canvas, 42x38cm, £480
Natasa Kodela, Horse Woman, Oil on Canvas 80x40cm, £680
Dejan Slepcevic, City, Oil on canvas, 35x45cm, £330
Dejan Slepcevic, Street, Oil on canvas, 20x40cm, £265
Ema Radovanovic - Flowers, Oil on canvas, 35x50cm, £450
Ema Radovanovic - Nude, Oil on canvas, 45x30cm, £490
Predrag Pedja Milosevic, Roseti Gate, Watercolour, 70x40cm, £570
Ivana Nikic, On the shore, Oil on canvas, 50x100cm, £1250
Ivana Nikic, Quiet Sea, Oil on canvas, 20x40cm, £260
Zoran Zivotic, Green Hills, Oil on canvas, 15x20, £190
Zoran Zivotic, Hills, Oil on canvas, 15x20, £190
Zoran Zivotic, Fields, Oil on Board, 15x20cm, £190
Zoran Zivotic, Forest Flowers, Oil on Canvas, 20x30cm, £240
Zoran Zivotic, poppies, Oil on canvas, 20x30cm, £240
Dusan Rajsic, Sitting Nude, Mixed Media, 17x12, £180
Dusan Rajsic - Ballerine, Mixed media, 50x35cm, £350
In addition, The Raymond Nicolet Trust illustrator and patron Isabel de la Uz will also be exhibiting some of her paintings, see details below.
Low tide, watercolour on paper, 26x36 cm, £175
Untitled, watercolour on paper, 26x36 cm, £ 175
White iris, oil, 30cm x 30cm, £350
Riverside in Summer, oil on panel 30x40cm £425
Capdepera, Mallorca oil on canvas panel , 50x70 cm £750
Northern coast, Spain , oil on canvas panel, 30x40 cm £300
The Boscastle keeper, oil on panel, 50x60cm £650
Springtime in Guadarrama, oil on panel, 40x50 cm £500
Winter in Ely, oil on panel, 30x30cm, £275
Colin Maxwell Parsons
In Victorian Gardens, oil on canvas, 46x61cm, £250
Boza Prodanovic
Monestery Beska on Skadar Lake, oil on canvas, 50x70cm, £1250
Dusan Mikonjic
Cetinjski Manastir Ivana Crnojevica iz 1484., ulje na platnu, 80x100cm, £1000